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Historical Token Deployments API

What you'll learn
  • How to fetch historical token deployment data
  • Query deployments by wallet address
  • Implement pagination for large datasets
  • Analyze deployment patterns and metadata


The Historical Token Deployments API enables you to retrieve and analyze past token deployment data. This API is specifically designed for historical analysis - for real-time deployment notifications, please refer to our WebSocket Streams API.

Access Requirements


All requests require a Bearer token in UUID format:

Authorization: Bearer your-api-key-here

Base URL

Data Structure

The API returns detailed information about token deployments:

"success": true,
"data": [
"id": "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000",
"deployer": "AaA2aA5aA8aA4aA7aA1aA9aAa3aA6aA2aA8aA5aA1a",
"deploy_timestamp": 1679616000000,
"mint": "BbB3bB7bB2bB9bB4bB8bB1bBb5bB2bB6bB3bB9bB4bB",
"name": "Sample Token",
"symbol": "SMPL",
"decimals": 9,
"initial_supply": 1000000000000,
"total_supply": 1000000000000,
"description": "A sample token deployment",
"mint_authority": "AaA9aA3aA6aA2aA8aA4aA7aAa1aA5aA9aA3aA6aA2a",
"freeze_authority": "AaA7aA1aA4aA8aA2aA6aA9aAa3aA7aA1aA4aA8aA5a",
"twitter": "@sample_token",
"telegram": "",
"website": "",
"uri": "",
"image_uri": "",
"is_complete": true,
"complete_timestamp": 1679616100000
"has_more": false,
"total": 1
import axios from 'axios';

interface TokenDeployment {
id: string;
deployer: string;
deploy_timestamp: number;
mint: string;
name: string;
symbol: string;
decimals: number;
initial_supply: number;
total_supply: number;
description: string;
mint_authority: string;
freeze_authority: string;
twitter?: string;
telegram?: string;
website?: string;
uri: string;
image_uri: string;
is_complete: boolean;
complete_timestamp?: number;

interface PaginatedResponse {
success: boolean;
data: TokenDeployment[];
has_more: boolean;
total: number;

class TokenHistoricalClient {
private readonly baseUrl = '';

constructor(private readonly apiKey: string) {}

async getWalletDeployments(params: {
wallet: string;
limit?: number;
offset?: number;
}): Promise<PaginatedResponse> {
const response = await axios.get(`${this.baseUrl}/historical/deployments`, {
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${this.apiKey}`,
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
params: {
wallet: params.wallet,
limit: params.limit,
offset: params.offset


async getAllDeployments(wallet: string): Promise<TokenDeployment[]> {
let allDeployments: TokenDeployment[] = [];
let offset = 0;
const limit = 100;

while (true) {
const response = await this.getWalletDeployments({

allDeployments = [...allDeployments,];

if (!response.has_more) break;
offset += limit;

return allDeployments;


[Analysis scenarios section with properly indented code...]

async function analyzeDeploymentTimeline(wallet: string) {
const client = new TokenHistoricalClient('your-api-key');
const deployments = await client.getAllDeployments(wallet);

// Group deployments by month
const monthlyDeployments = deployments.reduce((acc, dep) => {
const month = new Date(dep.deploy_timestamp).toISOString().slice(0, 7);
acc[month] = (acc[month] || 0) + 1;
return acc;
}, {});

return {
totalDeployments: deployments.length,
deploymentsByMonth: monthlyDeployments,
firstDeployment: new Date(Math.min( => d.deploy_timestamp))),
lastDeployment: new Date(Math.max( => d.deploy_timestamp))),
completionRate: deployments.filter(d => d.is_complete).length / deployments.length
async function analyzeSocialPresence(wallet: string) {
const client = new TokenHistoricalClient('your-api-key');
const deployments = await client.getAllDeployments(wallet);

return {
totalTokens: deployments.length,
withTwitter: deployments.filter(d => d.twitter).length,
withTelegram: deployments.filter(d => d.telegram).length,
withWebsite: deployments.filter(d =>,
withAllSocial: deployments.filter(d =>
d.twitter && d.telegram &&
socialUrls: => ({
twitter: d.twitter,
telegram: d.telegram,

Error Handling

The API returns standard HTTP status codes:

Status CodeDescription
200Successful response
400Bad request
401Unauthorized - Invalid or missing bearer token
500Internal server error

Best Practices

  1. Implement Pagination

    • Use the limit and offset parameters for large datasets
    • Default to reasonable page sizes (e.g., 100 records)
    • Handle the has_more flag to determine if more data is available
  2. Error Handling

    try {
    const deployments = await client.getWalletDeployments({
    wallet: "AaA2...",
    } catch (error) {
    if (error.response?.status === 401) {
    console.error("Invalid API key");
    } else if (error.response?.status === 400) {
    console.error("Invalid parameters");

Next Steps

Now that you understand how to analyze historical token deployment data, you can:

  1. 📊 Build deployment analytics dashboards
  2. 🔍 Track wallet deployment patterns
  3. 📈 Create token metadata analysis tools
  4. 🏷️ Monitor social media presence
Real-time Data

For real-time token deployment notifications, check out our WebSocket Streams API documentation.

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